Taking place on 29-30 June 2025 at Stapleford Miniature Railway, the Railway Division of the IMechE invites you to the final of this year's Railway Challenge. This event showcases the railway engineering skills, expertise, knowledge, and business acumen of participating teams of undergraduates, recent graduates and apprentices from across the UK and overseas.
You will witness the teams refining and testing their locomotives and competing with each other in various track based and presentational ‘challenges’ (see below).
University Name
Team Name
Anglia Ruskin University
Team Heron
FH Aachen
Heriot-Watt and Network Rail
Scotland’s Railway Challenge
Monash University
Monash Railway Express
Network Rail and Colas Rail
Network Rail and Colas Rail
Newcastle University
Newcastle Locomotive
Poznan University of Technology
Siemens Mobility Limited
Team Siemens
Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
The University of Sheffield
Railway Challenge at Sheffield
Transport for London
Transport for London
University of Birmingham
Team EcoLoco
University of Cambridge
Cambridge University Locomotive Engineers' Society
University of Derby/Alstom
The Derby Express
University of Huddersfield
University of Warwick
Warwick Rail
Auto-Stop Challenge
Ride Comfort Challenge
Energy Storage Challenge
Traction Challenge
Reliability Challenge
Maintainability Challenge
Autocoupler Challenge
Aerodynamic Drag Challenge
Location Announcement Challenge
Remote Data Recording and Monitoring Challenge
Ride On Locomotive Challenge
Presentations and reports
Design Challenge (Report)
CAD Challenge (Report)
Business Case Challenge (Presentation)
Locomotive Aesthetic and Technical Poster Challenge (Posters)
Innovation Challenge (Presentation)
How to get to the event
All are welcome but we ask that you register in advance to attend this event.
Spectators will be able to purchase hot beverages and snacks from the catering van. No complimentary catering will be provided by the IMechE. The catering van will be situated by the station building on Saturday and Sunday. Snacks will also be available at the Haven on Sunday during the Challenge / Spectator Train runs.
Spectator train
The best vantage point for the track-based challenges on Sunday 29th June will be at ‘The Haven’. Trains will be running between the Station and the Haven during the day or you can walk which takes approximately 10 minutes from the Station building. This walk is across fields, and it is recommended that you dress accordingly, including suitable footwear.